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A27 Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee (ABNC)
If you can, please write and tell your democratic representatives and their officers, the Department for Transport and Highways England, and the Media:
(Note: If you send a standard copied letter it may sometimes be treated as no more than a single submission, however many people send them in. Well argued letters from individuals or organisations have to be taken into account so in this way you really can influence what happens.)
Who can I write to?A27ArundelBypass@NationalHighways.co.uk . For ideas on points to include, CLICK HERE. ALSO: Click on the underlined links below to bring up the email addresses for other influencers you can write to. Please Cc your email to ABNC and to your Town or Parish Councillors (eg Arundel or Walberton) See also on our 'Battle in the Media' page for contact details for Newspapers etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Parliamentary officials and representativesWrite your objections on transport and climate grounds to: Secretary of State for Transport Mark Harper MP Write your objections on environmental grounds to: Secretary of State for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs: The Rt Hon Thérèse Coffey MP South Downs National Park Authority Write your objections on economic grounds (poor value, and the better business case for Arundel Alternative) to: Write your objections on local community impact grounds to: West Sussex County Councillor Trevor Bence (local area) Arun District Council Head of Planning: Karl Roberts If you wish to express concerns about unfairness in the process you could also write to |
For ideas on points to include, CLICK HERE.
Here are some reasons to object to the Arundel bypass Grey Route through Tortington, Binsted, Walberton and Fontwell:
1. It would ruin a beautiful area of the South Downs National Park where Binsted Woods (250 acres, ancient, broadleaved, huge, wonderful and mysterious) meet many tranquil footpaths leading through the rural landscape from coastal villages and towns.
2. It would severely impact the very rich wildlife of Binsted Woods by separating the area's woodland from its wetland mosaic of habitats. Wildlife such as bats, of which there are 14 species in the area, regularly travel and forage across the route.
3. It would destroy the area's historic cultural heritage, both archaeological as in bronze and iron age features, ancient as in the 12th-century Binsted Church over which it lowers on a viaduct that's just a few metres away among 10 other listed buildings, and bringing an end to traditional village life in this farming landscape.
4. It would cause the present good recreation and learning activities in the area to cease, such as the Binsted Arts Festival, and the Binsted Strawberry Fair (an event that has raised £100,000 over 30 years for charities and the fabric of the church).
5. It would put an end to the present wildlife surveys and education/volunteering activities provided in this area by the Mid Arun Valley Environmental Survey group, Arun Countryside Trust CIO.
6. It would destroy a much-needed ‘green lung’ near the crowded Sussex Coastal Plain which is rapidly changing with more and more housing development so will need it more than ever.
7. It is the wrong solution to Arundel’s traffic problems which need a holistic approach with improved public transport and better facilities for non-motorised users.
8. It is money thrown away at great environmental cost, as reports have shown that new roads soon become congested.
9. It would attract more traffic to this section of the A27 which would cause even greater traffic jams at Chichester to the west and Worthing to the east. Chichester recently lost its bypass improvement scheme due to lack of agreement and Worthing has a scheme simply to improve junctions and add traffic lights.
10. The carbon footprint of construction alone should be unacceptable in its impacts on the climate and ecological emergency, let alone the ongoing climate impact from facilitating and encouraging drivers to commute and shop regularly across longer distances.
For more info see:
Make your views known to Highways England by emailing them on a27arundelbypass@highwaysengland.co.uk
For more info see:
This website will be continually updated with the latest information available; so please keep coming back.
Most of our supporters just want a short bypass, and to keep most of the existing road.
ABNC campaigns to save Binsted's countryside from the longest and most damaging Grey Route for the Arundel Bypass. We hope that when you write you will support us, and that you will find the information we have provided useful in forming your own views as you decide which option you want to support.
If you would like support us, then send us an email with your contact details.
We will keep you in touch with Arundel A27 affairs by e-newsletter.