• Parishes reject major A27 road building

    • Emerging local opinions east of Lewes, reported in a SCATE blog.


      A recent meeting of Parish representatives from east of Lewes to Folkington has welcomed the £75 million nominally allocated by the Government for improvements to this section of the A27. However, the representatives have resoundingly rejected the idea of a major bypass or new road from Lewes to Polegate.  Instead they want to see the money used to improve road safety along the existing alignment, with improved local access at junctions, as soon as possible.  They want the focus to be on improving traffic flow, but not increasing traffic speed.

      In particular, the meeting supported the following measures:

      1. Junction improvements all along the route, with improvements particularly needed at Wilmington and Selmeston
      2. A safer crossing between the Firle and Glynde junctions for pedestrians and cyclists
      3. A Selmeston bypass behind the Barley Mow
      4. A single speed limit along this stretch of road and related measures

      The full blog can be read by clicking here.

      Many ABNC members would approve a similar approach in regard to the Arundel A27.


      This message was added on Thursday 15th January 2015

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