• Blog

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    • Call to Arms as Destructive £250M A27 Arundel Bypass Route Revealed

      14th May 2018
      Guest blog: featuring article by Ben Webster of The Times.  We note that although Alan Feist of Highways England says 10,000 people responded to the 2017 Public Consultation; only 1354 were in favour of the route Highways England chose.  Despite Mr Feist's spin: this amounts to a massive public rejection of the route. We also...Read More...

      ABNC Newsletter: Preferred Route Announcement

      13th May 2018
      Newsletter issued 11.5.2018 In the face of the evidence, Highways England have announced Option 5A as their Preferred Route to take to the next stage, which will be a Statutory Consultation.  Click here for their brochure, for what it's worth. The weight of the evidence on environmental and community impacts and on costs was he...Read More...

      Arundel Bypass option 'outdated, destructive and costly'

      13th May 2018
      Guest blog - ArundelSCATE Press release 13th May 2018 'Out-dated, destructive, expensive and based on old transport thinking' is how Highways England's preferred route for the new A27 bypass at Arundel, announced Friday, is described by local residents' group Arundel Scate. The group will be joining others to challenge the route p...Read More...

      Arundel Bypass: Walberton Parish Council Protests

      11th May 2018
      Press release on A 27 Arundel Bypass preferred route Option 5a Walberton Parish Council notes that Option 5a is the option being put forward. This option does not conform with our parish’s Neighbourhood Plan which supports a bypass but only “the route that causes the least damage to the countryside to the north of Binsted village ...Read More...

      Campaigners to challenge A27 Arundel Bypass decision

      11th May 2018
      Littlehampton Gazette 11.5.18 - Campaigners to challenge A27 Arundel Bypass decision as county reacts Campaigners have announced they will be legally challenging the A27 Arundel Bypass route which was chosen this morning, as the district has reacted to the news. The Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee said it would consider asking for a judicia...Read More...

      Sussex Coast Transport Report Blasts Outdated Thinking

      21st Apr 2018
      Car obsessed transport planning will not provide a thriving and healthy economy in Sussex according to a new report ‘A New Transport Vision for the Sussex Coast’ out today (19 April) [1]. The report, compiled by transport consultancy ITP [2], calls for a more inclusive and integrated approach to transport. It claims that a coordinated ...Read More...

      April 2018 ABNC Newsletter

      13th Apr 2018
          A27 Petition Update - 2,568 and rising                          &nb...

      ABNC Christmas Newsletter 2017

      23rd Dec 2017
      Dear Supporters, Thank you for making your voices heard in the Aug-Oct Public Consultation, and for signing our Petition.  We objected to Option 5A as the worst option because of its unacceptable environmental and community impacts, and we did not support Option 3 for the same reason and because over 80% of our supporters prefe...Read More...

      Why tolerate Tarmac-geddon in the countryside?

      14th Nov 2017
      Article in The Guardian by Patrick Barkham, 13.11.17 - click here to read online.  Also published on paper as 'The Road to Rural Oblivion'.  Read Patrick's article below.   ABNC review of this article:  Nature journalist Patrick Barkham has 'grasped the nettle' here. The discovery by Mid Arun Valley ...Read More...

      Biggest roads demo since 1990s opposes Binsted route

      11th Oct 2017
      A ‘Save Binsted’ protest event, against Option 5A for the A27 Arundel Bypass, took place on 8 October.  It was organised by Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee (ABNC), with the help of 28 volunteer marshals from Binsted, Walberton and Tortington.   Attendees included residents from Binsted, Walberton, Yapton, Fontwell,...Read More...

      Butterfly Conservation Slams Bypass Options 5A and 3

      3rd Oct 2017
      __________________________________________________________________________________ www.sussex-butterflies.org.uk President Sir David Attenborough CH, FRS Highways England A27 Arundel Bypass Consultation Response by Butterfly Conservation Summary Having thoroughly reviewed the plans to improve the A27 at Arundel, including site visits to assess th...Read More...

      To save West Sussex, Not to Destroy it

      29th Sep 2017
      On Thursday 28 Sept, we presented a petition to WSCC’s Environment and Community Services Select Committee. Over 2200 petitioners had asked the County Council to reject the Bypass through Binsted, now called ‘Option 5A’. Representatives also spoke from Walberton Parish Council, Tortington Local Community, ArundelSCATE and OneArund...Read More...

      A dozen reasons to object to the Arundel Bypass Grey Route

      29th Sep 2017
      1. It would ruin a beautiful area of the South Downs National Park where Binsted Woods (250 acres, ancient, broadleaved, huge, wonderful and mysterious) meet many tranquil footpaths leading through the rural landscape from coastal villages and towns.  . 2. It would severely impact the very rich wildlife of Binsted Woods by separating the area...Read More...

      South Downs Society Open Letter - Arundel Bypass

      26th Sep 2017
        This open letter by the Society's Chairman, David Sawyer, was sent to the press 26.09.17: Dear Sirs (for publication) Arundel bypass WSCC members are being invited to back an expensive new bypass option for Arundel which is sure to increase traffic levels, add to congestion on the A27 at Chichester and Worthing, cause huge environme...Read More...

      Highways England gets it all Wrong over Option 5A

      24th Sep 2017
      Option 5A is being mis-appraised in the current consultation due to wrong facts, and inadequate and misleading ecological, community, traffic and landscape impact assessments.   All of these together have resulted in understatement of costs (especially mitigation), overstatement of benefits, and understatement of the adverse impacts in th...Read More...

      New Film shows true Impact of Arundel Bypass

      11th Sep 2017
      ABNC Press Release issued 11.9.17 Campaigners fighting plans for a new bypass through protected Sussex countryside have produced a revealing 'bird’s eye view' film which they say proves the proposal is far more damaging than Highways England is suggesting.   The proposal, which is one of three possible options being consider...Read More...

      Anger as Highways England ‘airbrushes’ inconvenient Sussex beauty spots

      5th Sep 2017
      ABNC PRESS RELEASE 05.09.17 Angry campaigners say Highways England’s Public Consultation on the Arundel Bypass is meaningless due to a series of documentary flaws which ‘airbrush out’ acres of ancient woodland and ‘conveniently move’ an important heritage site. The campaigners who are based in the tiny rural vil...Read More...

      Will Ancient Woodland legislation be lethal for Binsted Woods?

      2nd Sep 2017
      Because of Highways England’s misleading maps and omissions, the AW (Ancient Woodland) designation may cause the destruction of part of Binsted Woods, part of the National Park, and Binsted village by Option 5A.   If this happens it will be a famous, scandalous case of a planning regulation – ‘Protect AW’ – c...Read More...

      A Binsted Route would be the Most Controversial

      11th Aug 2017
      The Binsted option for the Arundel A27 would devastate two communities, Binsted and Tortington. Binsted Village www.binsted.org is a historic village going back beyond Domesday, with moot mound and Roman road and regular village events Binsted is a magical, tranquil place and people fall in love with it.  It’s a popular recreational wa...Read More...

      Why would Highways even consider a route through Binsted Village?

      5th Aug 2017
      It is the longest and most expensive route for an A27 Arundel Bypass, and the most damaging to rural communities and, arguably, the environment.  So how did we get into this pickle in the first place?  It is a bit of a chicken-and-egg question.  Which came first: The National Park boundary leaving out half of Binsted? Or, a rout...Read More...
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