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    • A27: Something Better and more Forward-looking

      7th Feb 2016
      Why did the government decide to reject what was learned through SoCoMMS and Atkins, and launch the A27 Feasibility Study in 2014?  - to now throw massively more money at consultants on a piecemeal or possibly whole-route Expressway strategic agenda, wholly inappropriate to Sussex circumstances?  You can read the 2013 Atkins report's...Read More...

      Sussex A27(M) Expressway will not answer

      27th Jan 2016
      What we really need on the Sussex A27 is not continuous high speed, but free flow with many access points for local journeys. Local road users are the principal users of the Sussex A27.  Neither they, nor the planned additional housing, would benefit from an A27(M) Expressway-style road throughout Sussex, designed to prioritise thro...Read More...

      South Downs Society Press Release: Road to Ruin?

      17th Jan 2016
      “The South Downs National Park would be severely damaged by a Chichester northern bypass” says the park’s official “friends” group, the South Downs Society. Although formal public consultation has not yet begun on various options drawn up by Highways England, the government’s agency for trunk roads, it is alread...Read More...

      Voices from the National Park

      21st Dec 2015
      A blog posted by National Park Partnership member Mike Tristram on the South Downs Forum, Chichester A27: New Threat to the Park, has attracted a number of interesting and well informed opinion postings. This one, with his permission to re-post, is from Anthony Cartmell: The whole thing is so depressing. We've been here before, and...Read More...

      No Chichester North Bypass - Andrew Tyrie MP, and ABNC

      17th Dec 2015
      Andrew Tyrie MP has today spoken out on SpiritFM, against the Chichester Northern Bypass concept: The MP for Chichester has called proposals to build a new bybass north of the city 'unacceptable'. Andrew Tyrie has spoken out for the first time since details first emerged last week. He says it would change the character of the area foreve...Read More...

      WSCC investment in A259 set to relieve A27

      15th Dec 2015
      News article Bognor Regis Observer 15 December 2015 CONSULTATION on £14.8million improvements to the heavily-congested A259 will be launched in the new year. West Sussex County Council (WSCC) will seek views on dualling of single-carriageway parts of the busy A-road in January or February. The multi-million pound plans, the county council ...Read More...

      New map reveals Highways England's Arundel A27 options

      8th Dec 2015
      The map below shows Highways England(HE)'s Route Options for the Arundel A27: Our map is based on HE's schematic diagram below, shown at the July 2015 Arundel stakeholder meeting, and on their report descriptions:   For more information, read ABNC's page "What are the Options?" on www.arundelbypass.co.uk ...Read More...

      More Houses, Less Speed!

      7th Dec 2015
      People say, “If we have to have thousands more houses in Sussex, then we have to have a fully dualled 70mph A27”.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Fontwell shows why. To accommodate just 400 extra houses at Fontwell (planning application WA/22/15), Highways England have formally recommended to Arun District Council...Read More...

      Chichester A27: New Threat to Sussex

      5th Dec 2015
      The future of Sussex, and the South Downs National Park, hangs in the balance.  Highways England have briefed local authorities, confidentially, that they are considering proposing a Chichester Northern Bypass as the likely Preferred Option; to consult on this early in 2016 and to take the decision in summer 2016.   A. Why is this a th...Read More...

      Congestion-busting: is the solution in ‘the cloud’?

      12th Nov 2015
      People asking for bypasses often seem to think that once their bypass was built they could get from A to B without any trouble, forever.   The government’s road-building programme assumes that building more roads and widening existing ones can solve congestion problems and remove ‘traffic hotspots’.   Yet motor...Read More...

      Arundel A27 info from Highways England

      5th Nov 2015
      Highways England has a dedicated web area for information on each planned section of major A27 works.  Their information about Arundel is copied below.  To explore the Highways England website further, click here. What is happening? We are evaluating proposed options for the scheme.  We are working with key stakeholders and those ...Read More...

      Stakeholder Workshop for the Arundel A27: July 2015

      3rd Nov 2015
      This article offers a summary of the report, especially as it affects Binsted.  A link to the full Highways England 37-page report is given at the end. There is less secrecy than in the previous series of meetings.  More stakeholders have been and will be invited; 26 invited ‘stakeholders’ attended and there were almost as ma...Read More...

      Campaign for National Parks speaks out on major roads

      31st Oct 2015
      The article below appeared in an issue of CNP's magazine 'Viewpoint' earlier this year: Government announcement on major roads projects brings little cheer to National Parks The announcement in the Chancellor's pre-budget report of proposed road schemes - covering the Peak District, South Downs and Broads Authority National Parks ...Read More...

      Busting the Myth … that the National Park would benefit by a far-offline Bypass at Arundel

      28th Oct 2015
      It is often argued that a new major new offline bypass at Arundel would prevent rat-running through the South Downs National Park, and thus for example improve air quality at Storrington. This argument is used to justify plans for severe damage to the South Downs National Park and its setting from major new road-building.   But the idea ...Read More...

      A Fair Buzz about the Bypass

      22nd Jul 2015
      The Binsted Strawberry Fair on 19 July was one of the best ever, and has raised over £7,000 for Binsted church’s fabric, the Sussex Wildlife Trust, and Friends of Chichester Hospitals.  ABNC had an information stand about Binsted and the Arundel bypass.  This attracted a lot of interest from the nearly 1000 people who cam...Read More...

      Binsted's Strawberry Fair fields threatened by possible Arundel Bypass route

      17th Jul 2015
      Binsted’s Strawberry Fair fields in danger from new Arundel bypass route Highways England puts forward bypass option through Binsted The Strawberry Fair (Sunday 19th July, 2.00-4.30) is steaming ahead as usual.   Run for 28 years by Rosemary and David Tristram, this country event has raised in all over £100,000, partly for t...Read More...

      Arundel bypass: can’t we have some strategic thinking?

      17th Jun 2015
      Local communities await with some trepidation the promised ‘public consultation’ about the Arundel Bypass.   MPs and councillors, and the previous government, have been vigorously pushing a bypass without a route having yet been decided on.    The chancellor has said it will go ahead ‘despite local opposit...Read More...

      Getting around lightly

      30th May 2015
      Twenty years ago we were fighting the last vestiges of the 'greatest road building programme since the Romans'.  One benefit of this battle was the level of scrutiny brought to bear on the claims being made about the need and benefits of new roads. This demonstrated that new roads did not always lead to economic benefits and could jus...Read More...

      New survey group MAVES to study at-risk countryside

      17th Apr 2015
      A new Arundel-based Not For Profit Community Organization, Mid Arun Valley Ecological Surveys (MAVES), has been formed to study this beautiful, hitherto under-surveyed area.   Partner organisations include Sussex Wildlife Trust and Arundel Agenda 21.  MAVES is employing a consultant ecologist, Jackie Thompson of Wildlife Splash Ltd, ...Read More...

      SCATE Blog 13 April 2015

      14th Apr 2015
      Pause for reflection? SCATE blog considers the Labour position on the Arundel Bypass Today saw the launch of the Labour Party manifesto, outlining its blueprint for the country should it be elected on 7 May. Contained in the accompanying press release and press statements, it has announced that it would pause any work on the Arundel bypass a...Read More...
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